Heidi Schaaf
It’s important to Heidi that her home is a safe space, an extension of her family’s ministry. Even when meeting in a building, she has created the space with the feeling of a home, a safe and comfortable space for people to encounter love and God’s passion for them.
Another space she connects is over Youth’s activities and involvements; she really feels that these are “her kids” and loves to attend their events, whether it’s sports, arts, music, or whatever it is that interests them.
Heidi, and her family, does life with Youth and their families. She lets those she loves infiltrate her whole life, staying, “you add chairs to your table for an extra person, you sit with a family that is grieving, you drive people to appointments….” Heidi said to God as a young person, “Wherever You need me, whatever You need me to do, use me, Lord.”
Dwayne and Heidi have been married for 17 years; it has been an adventure as they’ve been working and serving with the homeless and addicted for 16 years and running a Youth Program, seeking to reach those who were struggling. They have three amazing children. Kellen is 16, a medical miracle, who defies the odds daily. Matana is almost 15, and she will likely change the world by strength and fierce love. Josiah is 13 -- he can charm anyone and is passionate about people being amazing.
Another space she connects is over Youth’s activities and involvements; she really feels that these are “her kids” and loves to attend their events, whether it’s sports, arts, music, or whatever it is that interests them.
Heidi, and her family, does life with Youth and their families. She lets those she loves infiltrate her whole life, staying, “you add chairs to your table for an extra person, you sit with a family that is grieving, you drive people to appointments….” Heidi said to God as a young person, “Wherever You need me, whatever You need me to do, use me, Lord.”
Dwayne and Heidi have been married for 17 years; it has been an adventure as they’ve been working and serving with the homeless and addicted for 16 years and running a Youth Program, seeking to reach those who were struggling. They have three amazing children. Kellen is 16, a medical miracle, who defies the odds daily. Matana is almost 15, and she will likely change the world by strength and fierce love. Josiah is 13 -- he can charm anyone and is passionate about people being amazing.