AT Our Core

We Are loved
- Jesus came to show us how love works. His love broke the societal and religious norms of the time. Jesus reached out to those who were cast out, and he refused to let God be boxed in. He did that to show every one of us that God loves and values who we are. We are passionate about everyone experiencing that kind of Love... a love that is safe and welcoming.
We Are Compassionate
Compassion is one of the key characteristics of God and his people throughout the Bible. The large majority of uses of the word compassion throughout the Bible is in reference to...

We Journey Toghether
We are collaborators in a community on mission to help form and support Jesus-centred followers, who are build Jesus-centered communities of faith and programs/ministries...
We Are Jesus-Centred
We place Jesus at the centre of everything, choosing in our differences to unite around him in a polarized world. Instead of embracing the "us vs. them", polarizing mentality that is so pervasive in culture and in the Church, we choose to champion a “third way” – caring deeply about our convictions while loving and learning from others who may disagree with, and choosing in our differences to unite around Jesus.

We Strive for Reconciliation
Reconciliation is at the heart of the Gospel (The Good News), and is truly at the centre of Jesus' story (2 Corinthians 5:18-20). In Christianity we have often contained that story to the reconciliation of humankind back to their Creator, but Jesus focused His teaching on a reconciliation the extended much farther than that... to all relationships and even to creation itself. This was what He called the Kingdom of Heaven coming to earth.
The Mission
The mission of Lethbridge Christian Tabernacle is the same mission Jesus gave his followers: Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
The Vision
The vision of Lethbridge Christian Tabernacle is create a community of authentic believers and to witness a city transformed by the life changing reality of the gospel, as people come to know Jesus as their lord and savior.